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小学英语作文:Who am I?

来源:学大教育     时间:2015-01-08 20:47:51

虽说我们大家刚刚在小学的时候比较正式的学习起英语的一些基础知识,但是我们大家还是要在小学时候做一些相应的作文训练,下面我们就看看这篇小学英语作文:Who am I?。

Who am I am2009-01-20 17:59 can really change of circumstances only yourself

Smoke too thick to sight when someone in the bellows deceived send candy someone carry rounds

Within its own desire to keep clear why not blind still chose to enjoy in peace.

Others lose what I don't get anything and relationship

What others hold more also have the rest of the air I breathe or can squeeze is just me less than two meters wide high less than half a meter space it is optional

The same just because somebody go I will get the things you didn't have such a thought is very silly too naive.

Environment in the so-called favorable disadvantage is not absolutely but are often thought

No one can really see your key to replace who have left, I believe as long as there is a chance, but these are from his guts accumulation on rather than any other

I never do not prefer free life with the shepherd..

Now what I lack what will also clear what

以上这篇文章就是关于小学英语作文:Who am I?的内容,希望对于我们英语初学者来说是一个很好的学习范例。

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